You’ll be punished!

Verfolgt man die Diskussionen um Copyrights in den letzten Jahren, so hört man ständig von neuen Wahnsinnsforderungen und strengeren Reglementierungen seitens der Industrie. In jedem Buch, auch bei Tabletops, findet man einen riesigen Absatz über geschützte Begriffe, Sätze, etc. (Habe ich da gerade Games Workshop gehört?). Besonders in der Musik- und Filmbranche werden sehr gerne Millionenstrafen verhängt und mittlerweile ist auch bekannt, dass eine Mp3-Datei mehr wert ist als ein Menschenleben.

Um so schöner finde ich es, dass es auch Firmen gibt, die trotz aller Copyrightsicherungen noch mit ein wenig Witz an das Thema gehen. Privateer Press ist so eine Firma. In jedem Buch von PP finden sich am Ende es Copyrightabsatzes  noch ein paar Sätze mit Strafen bei Verletzung eben dieser Copyrights, die ich hier mit der interessierten Leserschaft teilen möchte.

Warmachine MkI

Prime: „Don’t mess with us – or we WILL send the Butcher after you!“
Prime Remix: „Steal our material and you’ll find out the hard way that rulebooks (and music) aren’t the only things that can be remixed.“
Escalation: „Seriously! We’re friggin’ pirates. You don’t screw with pirates.“
Apotheosis: „Ever wonder what it would feel like to have the Deathjack consume your soul? Steal from us and find out.“
Superiority: „The souls of copyright violaters make particulary juicy ammunation for Mortifier Cannons. Think we don’t have one? Think again.“
„We have, dare I say, lengendary techniques for dealing with those who violate our copyrights.“
Pirates of the Broken Coast:
„Do we really have to include a threat of what we do to copyright violators here? I mean c’mon, we’re Pirates! Doesn’t it go without saying that you don’t steal from Pirates?“

Warmachine MkII

Prime: „Don’t steal from us. We have several years worth of steam-powered necromantic badness awaiting those how violate our copyrights.“
Forces of Retribution of Scyrah: „Don’t steal our material. Haven’t our poor Iosans suffered enough already? Have you read their history yet? It’s tragic!“
Forces of Cygnar: „You remember that whole deal when Stryker put a bunch of Menites on a barge and floated them to a prison? Well, he’s got a second barge for folks who violate our copyrights. You don’t want to know where that second barge goes.“
Forces of Khador: „Steal our material and we’ll tell Karchev you failed him. He’s not a guy you want to disapoint“
Forces of Cryx: „Ever wonder what’s actually brewing inside a bloat thrall? If you guessed the corroding remains of copyright violators, you’re right!“
Forces of Menoth: „Wracks? Cleansing fire? Being chained to a warjack? There is no end of terrible from this book awaiting those who steal our stuff. Don’t do it.“
Forces of Mercenaries: „Our copyrights are important to us, so don’t steal them. Kell Bailoch has several notches on his rifle that represent what used to be copyrigth violators. Kell enjoys his work.“

Hordes MkI

Primal: „Trust us on this one. The dire troll we have chained up in the shipping bay is always hungry, and we’d love to feed him crunchy copyright violaters.“
Evolution: „Please do not steal from us. It only makes our Agonzier sadder. The cries are haunting.“
Metamorphis: „Don’t steal from us. Imagine Megalith were a giant book of copyright law. Now imagine him falling on your head. Not pretty.“

Hordes MkII

Primal: „Remember that dire troll we keep chained up in the warehouse to which we feed copyright violators? Well here’s the thing about dire trolls: they are always hungry.“

~ der Saufzwerg

Published in: on 9. August 2010 at 13:13  Kommentar verfassen  

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